B2B Marketing Blog

Ricardo Molina

Recent Posts by Ricardo Molina:

12 Problems with Conference and Event Websites

I think most of you know that Seth Godin is a big favourite of ours. One of his most popular posts (albeit 5 years old) is "How to Create a Great Website". To the point and spot on. 

Topics: B2B Websites Event Marketing Conference Marketing

How to identify key marketing and media partners for your next event and boost your ROI

We thought we'd get together a simple guide to help event marketers out there looking to boost their marketing exposure at no extra cost. That's most of you right?

Topics: B2B Marketing How to Marketing Ideas Event Marketing Conference Marketing

How to fail at your next B2B direct marketing campaign

We all know that direct marketing is a very effective marketing channel, if you do it correctly of course! This post is inspired by an uninspiring mailing I received in the post recently that completely fails the basic principles of DM whilst also totally failing to make me feel like a valued customer - in fact it achieved the exact opposite! My objective isn't to name and shame necessarily but to share the inexcusable mistakes.

Topics: B2B Marketing Direct Marketing B2B Marketing How to

Brian Solis shares his tips and views on event marketing

In the business world in North America the name Brian Solis is everywhere. A serial entrepreneur and business visionary he is a very well respected source of opinion when it comes to social media and marketing.

Topics: Marketing Ideas Event Marketing Conference Marketing

B2B marketers don’t know their lead conversion rates

According to a recent survey of 840 B2B marketers by Holger Schulze, 25% don’t know their lead coversion rates and 41% don’t know the average cost per marketing qualified lead (MQLs). 

Topics: B2B Marketing Inbound Marketing Lead Generation

Old vs new ways to define and approach a B2B marketing lead

There has been a very interesting discussion going on in the "B2B Marketing" LinkedIn group around the topic of how many times to email or call a lead before it's considered dead.

Topics: B2B Marketing Inbound Marketing Marketing Automation

Best bits from Marketo’s definitive guide to event marketing

Marketo recently launched their "definitive guide to event marketing" - a 122 page document covering pretty much everything you need to know about event marketing.

Topics: Event Marketing Conference Marketing

B2B Marketing Radar: 18 January 2013

Here's a round up of what's been an interesting read for us from the B2B marketing and event marketing world this week. 

Topics: Marketing Trends

What's been on our B2B marketing radar this week

Going through the vast amount of content available in our industry, here is what's sparked our interest in our inbox and tweeter feeds relevant to our B2B marketing and event marketing industry this week.

Topics: B2B Marketing Marketing Trends Event Marketing

7 Tips to obtaining B2B marketing buy-in from your boss

At this time of year most B2B marketing directors are creating their strategies for the year ahead, working on the aggressive growth plans set by senior management and figuring out how far their budgets will stretch this time around.

Topics: B2B Marketing B2B Marketing How to Marketing Ideas

Using LinkedIn events to generate leads for your event marketing

With a little effort, LinkedIn Events can become a powerful tool in your events marketing strategy. If you have an event to market, make sure you cover the following basics to create a listing that works and generates new leads.

Topics: B2B Marketing Event Marketing Conference Marketing

Are some marketing automation companies victims of their own success?

If you are selling a product or service, you have a huge commitment to your existing and potential customers. You have to deliver.

If you are selling Marketing Automation services, you have a big commitment to your existing and potential customers. You have to lead by example.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been conducting a review of marketing automation software for ourselves and also a couple of our clients.

I’m left especially disappointed with three of those marketing automation providers (which will remain anonymous) and the way in which they have managed my journey through their “lead nurturing programme”.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Marketing Automation

What a wine cork can achieve in marketing - something to learn from spanish wines

I’m always keeping an eye out for interesting and quirky marketing campaigns and tactics. Not to sound geeky but it really gives me a sense of purpose and a buzz – just always being aware of whats around me and what you can learn.

Topics: Marketing Ideas

LinkedIn buys Slideshare. Why this makes us happy and so it should any B2B Marketer?

Developments in technology have been keeping us on our BrightBull toes. A consensus among other fellow marketers is that keeping up with technology is becoming one of their biggest challenges. So it’s exciting news like this acquisition that makes us very happy – in fact it should make any B2B social media marketer very happy.

Topics: B2B Marketing B2B Social Media

Conference Marketing: How can potential attendees build a business case to attend your conference?

Sometimes B2B marketing professionals in the conference industry face the challenge of targeting individuals that require approval or senior management buy-in before registering to a conference.
Topics: B2B Marketing Event Marketing Conference Marketing

Going the extra mile at events

Last week I attended Nimbus Partners’ “Inspiring Performance” event at the Brewery – a Business Process Management event. As you can imagine I’ve been to many events, but this one really stood out for me and really set out to impress. The detail and thought behind the event concept and format was excellent and in my opinion they got all the elements of the event mix right – from the venue, the style of presentations, the catering, the after party - sorry, ‘networking’ – and of course the outstanding entertainment by Naturally 7.

Topics: B2B Marketing Event Marketing Design & Branding

Tracking pages in google analytics

I’ve been spending a lot of time on Google analytics recently, setting up goal trackings. It was very timely that this excellent blog from Anna Lewis featured in eConsultancy – I just wanted to shared it with everyone.

Topics: B2B Marketing Marketing Tools

How are B2B marketers optimising their funnels

Found this interesting infographic from Marketing Sherpa about lead generation tactics.

Topics: B2B Marketing Direct Marketing

Conference for Conference Professionals - The Verdict

After much anticipation within the conference world, the ‘Conference for Conference Professionals‘ finally took place last Friday 1st April 2011.

Topics: B2B Marketing

Free good content and in different media. Something for B2B Marketeers to benchmark

This week has been a busy one but I managed to read something quite interesting from Jamie Turner from the 60 Second marketeer. (Quite appropriate for the moment – literally 60 seconds short)

Topics: B2B Marketing Marketing Tools B2B Social Media