This list has been reviewed on 1 April 2017
This is our definitive list of hashtags every events industry professional must follow without fault.
Twitter is not only a tool that you will use to broadcast and say a lot of things about yourself, your company or your event. It is a tool to simply stay informed about your industry and getting interesting tips and content that you can literally use to do your job better.
This is the list I personally follow on twitter and since a lot of you asked me about this, here it is.
These are the top 3 event industry hashtags that shouldn't slip under your radar
We have checked and run these through RiteTag and to give you an idea of the reach these hashtags have. If you have some hashtags of your own that you use on a regular basis, you should check them through these websites and gain some interesting insight.
Also note that since they are the most popular, they can also get abused and spammed by some.
1. #eventprofs
This is the most commonly used hashtag in the events, meetings and conference industry. This is the best way to connect and stay tuned with other like minded passionate event peeps.
2. #meetingprofs
Very similar to the #eventprofs but this one is a little bit more specific and American focused. For some reason americans call the conference, events and meetings interchangeably.
3. #eventtech
Focuses on event technology and where most of the cool apps, tools, websites, and promotions are found.
The rest of event focused hashtags
4. #eventprofsuk
Localised UK chatter.
5. #expochat
Really interesting twitter chat for expo professionals
6. #eventtrends
The latest trends from the events industry.
7. #eventplanner or
8. #eventplanning
Cover everything related to planning and pre-event activities for events of every calibre.
9. #eventmarketing
For all matters related to event marketing.
10. #eventwebsite
All about websites, wordpress templates and themes for events.
11. #eventmanagement
Another popular hashtag for event professionals with news and trends of the industry.
12. #eventjobs
Does not need explanation, does it?
13. #meetingplanners
Trends and tips for event professionals.
14. #eventapps
Everything you need to know to stay on top of the latest apps for the event industry.
15. #greenmeetings
Quite good if you want to find ecofriendly suppliers and talks about being nice to the environment at the time of running your show.
16. #eventdata
Insights and tools for collecting and analising event related data, useful for event marketers.
17. #startupevent
News and trends in the startup events sector.
18. #b2bevents
Covers events for b2b professionals and the chatter is less supplier oriented.
19. #eventhour
A twitter chat or a networking hour for event organisers, venues & suppliers. It takes place alWednesdays 9-10pm BST.
20. #bizbash
This one has a strong link with the event planning magazine but is now used by other event professionals too.
And if you belong to the new school of thought in events, then these marketing related ones should give you interesting inspiration and tips
There is no point describing these as they are self explanatory.
21. #b2bcontent 22. #b2bmarketing 23. #b2b 24. #inboundmarketing 25. #inbound |
26. #contentmarketing 27. #directmarketing 28. #emailmarketing 29. #digitalmarketing 30. #content |
31. #marketing 32. #marketingprofs 33. #inbound_marketing 34. #onlinemarketing 35.#onlinecommunity |
While your particular needs for information might be different than mine, I hope some of them meet your own. There you have it, plenty of food for thought and plenty to segment your own twitter stream and search for the things that really matter to you. For me following these hashtags enables me to stay informed about our industry, see who is doing what and hear all the gossip.
Did I miss any? Please share the love and I will add it to this and my own personal list.
Image credit: uwgb admissions
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