B2B Marketing Blog

30 experts predict their event industry trends for this year [SlideShare]

banner-30-Experts-Predict-The-Event-Trends-That-Will-Shape-Your-2015-300Last year, me and other industry industry professionals were asked by Eventbrite to provide an event industry trend, opportunity or challenge that will be affecting the industry this year. It was a challenging question as in my mind there are plenty of them to highlight. However after a long consideration I decided to pinpoint one of the major ones:

Instead of a trend, I see a big challenge: The current skillset of an event marketer.

It has become very apparent that knowing how to market an event is not, and will not be sufficient for event marketers to succeed in their roles. They will need strong copywriting skills and understanding data to a high degree of detail.

Those that want to excel will need to have a strong grasp of CRM systems, and Marketing Automation systems and learning how these work and integrate.

After asking 30 other experts about their particular views, BrightBull and Eventbrite are proud to present the end result.

Now, what is your own prediction? comment below.

If you liked this presentation and want a copy you can download it here.

Ten most common mistakes in event marketing

You should also tell your network now on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

The presentation is also available on SlideShare and You are free to use this presentation anywhere you like, so long as you kindly reference and link back to BrightBull and Eventbrite.  That is all we ask.


Topics: B2B Marketing Marketing Ideas Event Marketing Conference Marketing